Spirit Matters Lineage

In 1984, a group of new founders rekindled the quiescent Rudolf Steiner Foundation (1936) as a social financing organization to serve the anthroposophical movement and to transform the way the world works with money. The activities of investing, borrowing, and giving in innovative ways that built community and supported economic collaboration were at the heart of RSF’s work. In 1998, with RSF’s move to San Francisco, CA, a new strategic direction emerged to develop partnerships and clients outside the anthroposophical community including for-profit and non-profit social enterprises. As innovators and thought leaders in the then new field of social finance, RSF also worked to expand awareness of the field. In 2005, RSF changed its name to RSF Social Finance. While remaining a supporter of arts and education, it also grew to be a leader in the field of social finance, a leading funder in the food and agriculture space, and an innovative funder in justice and climate change.

In 2019, RSF board of trustees voted to support exploring the creation of Spirit Matters to continue to develop and practice the advisory work which had been so essential to RSF’s success and the success of so many anthroposophically inspired initiatives. With the founding of Spirit Matters, RSF became its first supported organization. The Anthroposophical Society in America (US) was added as a supported organization in early 2021. Then in early 2022, The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America became the third supported organization. This innovative form of mission-aligned organizations is a step toward creating a socially grounded coherent association of independent entities.